Happy Holidays!Thanks to our customers, we enjoyed a very successful 2018. We want to wish everyone a safe and happy Holiday Season, and a prosperous...
Kind Words from partners make our day!It is always nice to get a pat on the back. Just as nice to see or hear kind words from our dealership partners. See latest post on...
EPIC Assurance at EGSAThe EPIC boys are becoming well traveled - pictured is Jason Hood and James Hood of EPIC Assurance, LLC at the recent Electrical...
A Pat on the Back goes a Long Way!What a wonderful way to cap off the day! The staff of EPIC Assurance want to thank Tom Travers of Carlson Paving Products for a short...
EPIC Assurance Pinnacle ProgramThe staff of EPIC Assurance are pleased to announce our Pinnacle Program. The Pinnacle Program is a client based loyalty program where...
EPIC Assurance at Power Gen ShowThe boys of EPIC Assurance back in Las Vegas for the Power Gen International Show in November, 2017. When the opportunity came to travel...
EPIC Assurance updates Website/ServicesExtended Warranty and Customer Loyalty programs for equipment dealers and original equipment manufacturers.
Vegas affects Man of SteelApparently Con-Expo and Las Vegas had quite the effect on James Hood of EPIC Assurance. The 4 am visit to the airport might have been a...
Bumble Bee has nothing on EPIC AssuranceJason Hood of EPIC Assurance "measuring up" against the Bumble Bee transformer at the SANY booth while at Con Expo in Las Vegas. The boys...
EPIC Assurance staff attends IEDA EventThe staff of EPIC assurance would like to thank the IEDA staff for the invitation to the event while in Las Vegas at Con-Expo. We had the...